Have you ever longed to have an encounters with Jesus like those you see in the Scripture?
Ever wondered what it would be like to climb into the skin of the people he touched, and experience the power of his transformation?
Would you like to know how YOU can have fresh hope for the same kind of healing you see happened in the Bible?
Encounters of the Heart brings fact and fiction together to fill in the blanks, calling biblical personalities to life for the 21st century!
"Cathy takes biblical stories we're all familiar with, then she dips the paintbrush of revelation and imagination and suddenly---the encounter with Jesus was not just for another person, not for another time in dusty history, but a deeply moving encounter for each of us, right now, at this very moment. Her probing reflections with each chapter will bring fresh insights and deep healing. This is an important book...for all of us!"
Nancy Stafford
Actress (Co-star) TV's "Matlock", Speaker and Author of
The Wonder of His Love: a Journey into the Heart of God, and Beauty by the Book: Seeing Yourself as God Sees You.
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"Ever wonder what's behind the scene in a blbical story? This book opens the door to imagination and insight. Cathy does a wonderful job of uncovering what the authors and characters of these biblical stories must have been thinking and feeling. This book really gives a human picture to biblical truth. This is a MUST read!"
Randy Alward
CEO, Maranatha Music
“As a follower of Christ for more than half a century, I have read the stories of Christ, listened to them, and seen them portrayed. In the pages of this book, I lived and felt them. Thanks, Cathy, for taking me on the rich adventure!”
Larry W. Poland, Ph.D.,
Former Chairman and CEO
Mastermedia International
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1/ Cathy, who or what prompted you to write this book?
I've hungered to read about Biblical characters in a dimensional way that helped me relate to them as real-time people who had dirty fingernails and dysfunctional thinking(!) I've yearned to climb into the skin of the needy Jesus encountered, come to know their back-stories, and experience his power in rewriting their future-stories...and mine!
2/ What makes this book stand out from others on the subject?
In the time it takes to have a cup of coffee, these "bite-size" short stories allow readers to experience "in-their-shoes" encounters of real, historical individuals with the living Christ, and be transformed along with them in their understanding of themselves, others and God.
3/ How will readers benefit in a practical way from reading this book?
By fleshing out the personal (hypothetical) stories of biblical personalities, readers like you will experience the profound personal drama of human identification. As these characters become three-dimensional, you will be able to bring your own sufferings and joys to Christ with fresh hope for the same kind of change you see happened with those in the Scripture.
4/ What makes you an authority on the subject of this book?
With my training in screenwriting, I'm equipped to be visually aware of the setting, tone and dramatic flow of a scene and work in revelatory spiritual insights from my 25 years in the area of emotional/inner healing. As a certified professional life coach, I daily "climb into the skins" of clients and hear their stories. These practices have enabled me to ask specific, latchkey questions of biblical characters and help readers mine the experience these historical personalities have to offer us today.